by Ivan Monasterial
On January 16, 2023, a significant meeting took place between representatives from Dezhou University Music College and the University of the Philippines Diliman College of Music. The exchange aimed to explore potential collaborations in academic and cultural endeavors, fostering a rich connection between the two institutions.

Left to right: Professor Xu Xue Ji, Compose Teacher of Tianjin Music Conservatory, Professor Wang Luo, Vocal Teacher of Tianjin Music Conservatory, Ms. Lulu Moguel, Philippine Chinese Student Service Center (PCSSC), Dr. Ma. Patricia Brillantes Silvestre, Dean, College of Music, UP Diliman, Dr. Laverne de la Peña, Professor, College of Music and Director, UP Center for Ethnomusicology, Dr. Jocelyn Guadalupe, College Secretary, College of Music, UP Diliman
Vocal Teacher of Tianjin Music Conservatory, Professor Wang Luo, expressed a keen interest in researching classical Filipino instruments, emphasizing the need for cross-cultural understanding through music. Professor Luo shared that the Dean faced visa delays but shared his plans for a visit to UP in March or April. She also proposed hosting joint concerts or orchestras and establishing student and faculty exchange programs.
UPD College of Music Secretary, Dr. Jocelyn Guadalupe, shared insights into its academic landscape, showcasing 259 music major students to date. The Director of the UP Center for Ethnomusicology, Dr. Laverne de la Peña recalled the time that the Symphony Orchestra performed in Guangzhou, showcasing the institution’s commitment to musical excellence. In terms of admission requirements, discussion on specific departmental prerequisites, English exams, and options for international students to attend English courses in June were discussed for potential inbound mobility.
Both institutions explored avenues for collaboration, such as joint programs, online enrollment for graduate students, and the exchange of information on courses and curricula. While the number of Chinese students in UPD is comparatively lower, the prospect of joint programs and cultural exchanges was deemed promising.
The meeting also delved into the challenges and opportunities of academic collaboration, including the different academic calendars, admission procedures, and fees. The institutions also discussed the potential for joint research projects on traditional Filipino music, highlighting the importance of having Filipino scholars actively involved.
This meeting was able to lay the groundwork for a collaborative partnership that spans cultural and academic boundaries. Both institutions expressed enthusiasm for fostering a deeper understanding of each other’s musical traditions and creating opportunities for students and faculty to engage in meaningful exchanges.

The Dezhou University Music College delegates were also toured around the college, specifically showcasing the Instruments Collection of the UPD Center for Ethnomusicology. They were also given a cultural tour by the UP Diliman Information Office around the academic oval and the National Science Complex.