The COOPERATE grant aims to promote the development of research and creative manpower of the University through research cooperation and academic training with international partner universities.

The main objective is to increase the research and creative productivity of UP to aid in nation-building and to uphold its mandate as the National Research University.

It aspires to increase the number of students who are successfully able to finish their degrees (Master’s/Doctoral) in a timely manner, through co-advisership with experts in international partner universities and through active research cooperation. Funding, which includes travel expenses, accommodation, and living expenses will be provided to the qualified graduate student and research adviser.

by the Numbers


Total Number of Recipients


Number of Graduate Student Recipients


Adviser Recipients


Number of Academic Visits


Total Number of Graduated Students

Apply now

Read the detailed guidelines on the eligibility and application process.
You may also contact 
Ms. Bea Patricia Devesa (Program Manager)
through email for further inquiries.