Following the issuance of OVPAA Memorandum No. 2021-115 which lifted the Official Travel Suspension for Official Outbound Travel and OVPAA Memorandum No. 2022-124 which provides the University Guidelines for International Students on UP Campuses during the COVID-19 Pandemic and into the Next Normal, we are pleased to inform everyone that Mobility for Vigor and Excellence – University of the Philippines (MOVE-UP) Program will once again accept applications for student exchange under UP System Bilateral Agreements for the Second Semester (Spring) of Academic Year 2022-2023.
All interested UP undergraduate students must register their UP Mail and apply online through the UP OIL Portal at https://oilportal.up.edu.ph/. The eligibility and documentary requirements to participate in the program can be accessed at:
The deadline of applications is on September 30, 2022.
For further inquiries, please contact Mr. Guillian M. Mecate, MOVE-UP Program Manager at oilmoveup@up.edu.ph.