By: Imee Su Martinez, Ph.D.

With (L) UP System AVP for Academic Affairs /Office of International Linkages (OIL), Director Dr. Imee Su Martinez; UP Diliman (UPD) College of Science Associate Dean for Research, Innovation, Development and Enterprise (ADRIDE), Dr. Ricky Nellas; and Huawei Philippines Public Affairs Manager, Mr. Jiahao Liang and UP System AVP for Public Affairs/Media and Public Relations Office (MPRO) OIC-Director, Dr. Jose Wendell Capili, the University of the Philippines System is developing a high-capacity storage and supercomputer facility, UP DATA COMMONS, which will be situated in the National Science Complex of the University of the Philippines Diliman campus.
This facility is intended for the data storage and crunching requirements of UP and supports the newly established Ph.D. Programs in Data Science (Ph.D. DS) and Artificial Intelligence (Ph.D. AI) in the university, among others.
Earlier, Huawei Technologies Philippines Inc. (Huawei) partnered with UPD through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that will legally bind both parties to exchange materials and training. The agreement will allow UP free access to the Huawei Authorized Information Network Academy (HAINA) program.
HAINA is a non-profit partnership program that authorizes universities and colleges to deliver Huawei certification courses to their students. The earlier donation of Huawei included the smart boards and TV units that allowed officials and faculty members to have better online meetings and HyFlex modes of teaching and research.
Huawei also supports scholars taking up Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science at the UPD College of Engineering. This program will support local ICT education and create more opportunities for a better ICT ecosystem.
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