The call for application for Student Exchange Program with international universities and list of available scholarships are usually released to the academic units during the last quarter of the year. Generally, all UP students who are sophomore or junior standing during the time of application and with very good scholastic record are eligible to apply. Additional qualifications may be imposed depending on the requirement of the foreign university.
The Office of International Linkages conducts a selection process to determine who among the applicants shall be endorsed as official exchange student/s to a particular foreign university.
Once accepted at the foreign university, the student must prepare the necessary requirements to obtain the required visa. The official exchange student may enroll at the host university for one semester to one academic year only.

Tuition at the host university is waived for official exchange student. However, not all universities offer scholarship programs that will cover the cost living of the exchange students. Students are encouraged to visit the respective website of the university where they wish to apply to determine whether their desired university offers a scholarship program.