Application Process and Requirements

Applicants must register first in the OIL Portal and create an applicant profile to access the online application form during the scheduled submission period below:

***NOTE: In view of OIL Memorandum No. DTM-OIL-2025-04 in re: Downtime Advisory for OIL Portal Systems Maintenance and Data Privacy Review, prospective applicants shall:

1. Applicants shall request the prescribed application form through the OIL Program Mail address.

2. Applicants shall route the endorsement of their applications with the required document attachments at the CU-level. Kindly facilitate the signing of your application form starting with your Program Adviser, Institute Director and College Dean. Upon the endorsement of the College Dean, your application form should be routed to the UP CU Office of International Linkages/OVCAA Linkages Units for the endorsement of the UP CU Chancellor.
3. Once endorsed by the UP CU Chancellor, your application must be routed to UP System Office of International Linkages through the UP-Document Routing System (UP DRS).
4. The UP-System Office of International Linkages Program Staff will receive and process the application for UPSA review and approval.

Please note that all application documents must be endorsed and submitted to the Office of International Linkages – System via UP DRS on or before the designated deadline. Late endorsements and submissions with incomplete documents will not be entertained.


Schedule of the Lecture/Visit Submission Period and Deadline Schedule of Evaluation Meeting
January to March July to September of the previous year
Deadline: Last working day of September
April to June October to December of the previous year
Deadline: Last working day of December
July to September January to March
Deadline: Last working day of March
October to December April to June
Deadline: Last working day of June

Requirements for the grant are as follows: 

Face-to-face lectures

  • Clear, Recent 1×1 ID Picture of the Invited Expert, PNG Format
  • Official letter of invitation to the world expert by the UP Faculty/Staff
  • Acceptance letter by the world expert
  • Proposed Budget (click here)
  • Copy of the WHO/UNDP DSA Per Diem Rates
  • Copy of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Exchange Rate 
  • Curriculum Vitae of the invited world expert (2 – 3 pages only)
  • First pages of the enumerated selected publications (Maximum of 10 publications)

Virtual lectures

  • Clear, Recent 1×1 ID Picture of the Invited Expert, PNG Format
  • Official letter of invitation to the world expert by the UP Faculty/Staff
  • Acceptance letter by the world expert
  • Proposed Budget (click here)
  • Resource Fee Computation based on DBM 2007-01 Budget Circular 2007-1, “Guidelines on the Grant of Honoraria”
  • Curriculum Vitae of the world expert (2 – 3 pages only)
  • First pages of the enumerated selected publications (Maximum of 10 publications)

Should an applicant submit two applications for the grant, a justification letter is requested for the second invited expert based on the needs of the unit. 

Kindly use a UP Mail account in accessing the form. Our office will process the application based on merit and availability of funds.



As a requirement, the grantee should be able to attend the orientation to be conducted by our office. Other faculty members or staff who are involved in the conduct of the international conference may also join the orientation provided that the grantee is present during the orientation. 

Schedule of the orientation will be shared with the grantee through email.